BABY18/TOY18DAD FIX is an OEM built-in UV detector suited for preparative and flash chromatography with fix wavelengths in range 200 – 600 nm.
BABY18/TOY18DAD is offered in the following versions:
- Single UV detector version measure at one fix wavelength which is adjusted in production according to customer order in range of 200 - 600 nm.
- Dual UV detector version measure at two fix wavelengths which are adjusted in production according to customer order in range of 200 - 600 nm.
The unit is supplied with AMY17 PCB board. It powers the lamps and controls the unit. It has a lot of new functions including sampling higher speed.
Most important features of TOY18/BABY18FIX detectors:
- small dimensions
- built-in lamp working hours counter
- easy replacement of flow cell
- sophisticated diagnostic software
© 2019 ECOM spol. s r.o., Trebonicka 239, Chrastany u Prahy, CZ 252 19, Czech Republic
Made by Elasticr