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All DAD detectors have numerous  self-test functions, such as error messages, which allow an easy problem identification and testing.  The test SW used in production releases a valid production report only for units which met all requirements. The test report contains stored setting parameters, lamp working hours, lamp starting voltage and current, wavelength adjusting accuracy, lamp intensity and a lot of other information. For service purpose there is service SW available which allows comfortable units  testing and diagnostics, enabling sending a diagnostic report to service center easily, helping to simplify and speed up communication with them.

PLC communication support

PLC support package demostrates direct communication with detector TOY18 on Siemens PLC S7-1200/S7-1500 using Ethernet or RS232 interface. Projects were created in TIA Portal V17 on PLC S7-1200. Archive includes:

  • Library ECOM_DEVICES with implementation of function blocks for detector TOY18
  • Example project demostrating usage of TCP communication
  • Example project demostratiing usage of Serial communication
  • Manual

Notes: Implementation of non-industrial communication protocol for Siemens PLCs takes certain memory and performance of their resources. We would like to add MODBUS TCP protocol for some our units to make PLC integration simplier in future.


The ECOMAC is windows application used for controlling of chromatographic process, communication with chromatographic devices and storing data for next evaluation. The application supports variant devices for liquid chromatography such as pumps, detectors, column ovens etc., especially those produced by the company.

Main aspects of application are:

  • Simple usage
  • Support ECOM devices with communication interface
  • General interpretation of devices and measured properties
  • Supporting variant export formats
  • Low hardware requirements for application itself
  • Runnable on WinXP, Vista (32, 64), Win7 (32, 64), Win8.x (32, 64), Win10 (32, 64)
  • Application is built for 32bits supporting unicode
  • Languages: English, Czech, Simplified Chinese 

Application is written in C. Very old version is hosted on server

Download v3.3.6.0 

ECOM VCP Instrument Driver

New ECOM devices (e.g. ECDA2000, ECCM2112, TOY14DAD, ...) offer USB interface. Such interface can behave as a Virtual COM Port (VCP) and it removes the need of external USB/RS232 converter. The following driver is signed to support this feature on these OS: Win7 (x32, x64), Win8 (x32, x64) and Win8.1 (x32, x64).  Win10 and later supports this feature natively and the driver is not needed.


The utility is used to configure IP settings for converter unit ECCM2112 or devices using this or similar unit (TOY14DAD, BABY18DAD, TOY18DAD, TOY20DAD, LED20, ECDA2800, ECDM2000, ECVA2000, SPIDER*, ECP2000*) through LAN. The unit ECCM behaves like converter between Serial and Ethernet/ USB interface. The USB behaves like VCP (see above driver) and the Ethernet interface can be used directly.

Download v1.9

Clarity modules for ECOM's devices

The ECOM company develops its own Clarity modules for control and data acquisition from ECOM's devices. These modules are used to direct communication between Clarity and devices via RS232/USB/Ethernet buses (they are not used for A/D boards INT/UPAD ...).

These modules will become a part of std. Clarity installation. Than the RECOMMENDED way for their installation is Clarity update to the latest version! This integration has some technological delay and we offer latest version of our modules here. This latest version may serve for modules testing, meet the documentation and so on. If you install modules from this page then installation qualification may not be valid. This is reported in IQ protocol and on stations screen by Unauthorized modules warning.

Important: Below drivers will work within Trial or Distributor licence only from Clarity v8.2!

Installation steps:

  • Download ZIP archive.
  • Extract ZIP archive.
  • Copy all files to C:\Clarity\Bin.
  • Versions before 7.2 needs: Execute reg_ecom_modules.bat (as administrator) under C:\Clarity\Bindirectory.

Notes: If you want explore modules documentation then execute file *.chm, where * is module name (e.g. CswECP2000.chm).

Download version 20200121