New Tri-clamp (TC) flow cells are a new series of flow cells with a tri-clamp pipeline connection, used in preparative chromatography
- The entire product range of our TC flow cells can be supplied in various materials – stainless steel, Hastelloy or PEEK material designs
- The optional optical path length ranges from 0.1 to 10 mm
- The flow cells are designed for high-pressure chromatography
- The maximum operating pressure is 30 MPa (300 bar, 4351 PSi), or 2 MPa (20 bar, 290 Psi).
- The advantage of our TRI-CLAMP flow cells´ technical design is the elimination of dead volume inside the cell
- The TC cells have been approved by FDA certification for use in food and pharmacy
- Connection via SMA905 connectors
- Also available in configurations made of certified bio-inert materials
© 2019 ECOM spol. s r.o., Trebonicka 239, Chrastany u Prahy, CZ 252 19, Czech Republic
Made by Elasticr