Preparative External Cell TRI-CLAMP 3/4" PEEK

l= optional 1.0 mm – 10.0 mm; connection with TRI-CLAMP flanges OD 1" 25.4 mm.

ECOM spol. s r.o.
Part number

l= optional 1.0 mm – 10.0 mm; connection with TRI-CLAMP flanges OD 1" 25.4 mm.
It is used outside of the detector connected by optical cables with SMA 905 connectors.

FDA certification for use in food and pharmacy.

Flow cells of our production are designed following the ASME-BPE (Bioprocessing Equipment) standard. This globally recognized standard ensures that equipment meets the stringent hygiene and performance criteria required in industries, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and food processing. Following these requirements, our flow cells provide exceptional cleanliness, reliability, and compliance with critical bioprocessing specifications.

Volume/optical path length According to the optical path
Wetted materials Sapphire glass, PEEK
Body material PEEK
Tubing OD diameter TRI-CLAMP flange 1" 25.4 mm
Maximum operating pressure 30 MPa (4351 psi)
Optical cables with connector SMA 905
Filename Type
Info-Tri_clamp_cells-en pdf (1,11 MB)