OPAL VIS Fixed Wavelength Detector with LED

 For VIS range (350-900 nm) with LED diode as light source.

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ECOM spol. s r.o.
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 Opal LED is a detector with an interference filter(optional) and LED diode as light source. By selection of filter and LED diode can be this unit adjusted at one fixed wavelength in range of 350 – 900 nm. LED diode has higher light energy in VIS range of spectrum what cause lower noise and drift level as against deuterium lamp. Noise level at 460 nm is ± 5 x 10-6 AU with test cell. (Filter is not include price)

The unit may be used for routine analytical chromatography as well as for preparative chromatography, according to the selected cell.

The unit is easy to operate; reference and sample signals are available for detector diagnostics as well as information on lamp operating hours.

Output signal is available in both digital and analogue form on the output connector. It is possible to control the unit using the keypad or an RS232 interface. Connecting capillaries are led from the detector’s right side.

This detector was developed and used for CDT analysis with 460/470 nm LED lamp.

 Measurement examples:

These examples come from three days continuous testing measurement with test cell. Detector is CDT version with 470 nm LED and without interference filter. Data is from digital output (1mV = 1mAU) with 5 Sps sampling frequency.


Opal LED noise example

click for zoom

1 min. peak-peak noise is 0.004mV = 0.004mAU. Last bit is 0.001mV.


Opal LED drift example

click for zoom

1 hour drift is 0.04mV = 0.04mAU.



Analytical cell HPLC 04 is supplied with unit.

Optional microcell MLCC 02 or preparative cells PLCC 04 or PLCC 05 may be supplied.

Do not forget specify the wavelength in order.



Typical spectral half-width According to the LED/filter used
Light source LED Diode
Time constant Ca. 1 s
Digital output 1 V/AU
Analog output 1 V/0.1 AU
Communication RS232
Power supply 100, 115 and 230V, 50/60 Hz
Power input 55 VA
Noise level at empty cell (254 nm, TC 1 s) ± 5 x 10-6 AU
Drift at empty cell (254 nm after 1 h) 2 x 10-4 AU/hr
Materials in contact with mobile phase PTFE, fused silica, stainless steel, Vespel
Wavelength 350 - 900 nm
Dimensions W x H x D 220 x 170 x 450 mm
Weight 7 kg