MultiCOM (1x USB to 6x RS232 Converter)
MultiCOM extends the PC by 6 Com ports (RS232).
- Description
This enables to connect multiple instruments controlled using the RS232 line. Many of the controlled instruments are connected to the PC via serial cables, which need standard 9-pin (male) connector on the computer side. Modern computers usually do not have more than 1 COM port, and notebooks commonly have none. The MultiCOM RS232 to USB converter is connected to the PC via USB port; these are presently common in both desktop PC's and notebooks. After the installation, the MultiCOM converter will enable the use of six RS232 compliant serial ports ended with standard DB9M connectors. Each of these ports is equipped with the LED to indicate the state of the port, signaling the fact that the port is on, transmitting or receiving data or performing the both side communication. MultiCOM converter also includes another USB-A connector for the use with any device with low power consumption, for example the Clarity HW key. The power supply for the MultiCOM converter is normally provided via the USB cable from the computer; however external power supply adapter can also be used.