Flash 12S DAD 800 Detector in housing

Four wavelengths simultaneously, continuous scan of whole spectrum 190 - 840 nm

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ECOM spol. s r.o.
Part number

 Flash 12S DAD 800 is an UV-VIS diode array detector (DAD, PDA), which allows measuring absorbance of four wavelengths simultaneously in one cell just as measuring of whole spectrum (scan). This unit is used in liquid chromatography to verify analyzed samples by means of four wavelengths or in situations when some peaks absorb on different wavelengths. It is possible to use the detector in flash and preparative applications. By using analytical cell can be detector used also for analytical purpose. Noise level at 254 nm is ± 5 x 10-5 AU with a test cell.

The unit is designed as stand alone with 90–264 V power supplyand RS232 controlling. It is derived from OEM build-in unit with powering 24-36 V DC.

The unit’s DAD (diode array detector) design offers many advantages:

  • continuous 5 Hz scan or absorbance measuring on four wavelengths simultaneously
  • wavelength setting from 190 up to 840 nm in increments of 1nm
  • lamp work hours are counted using the built-in counter for both deuterium and halogen lamps
  • the cell is easy to replace from the side of the detector
  • Clarity PDA module support for 3D measurement
  • powering by 90–264 V
  • unit is controlled by RS232 interface
  • adaptation for external cell connection available

Preparative cell PLCC 15 (delivered with unit):

volume/optical path(adjustable) 45 µl / 0.3 mm (basic)
55 µl / 1.4 mm
70 µl / 2.4 mm
connecting tubing with OD = 1/8", thread 1/4"-28
maximal flow rate 500 ml/min


Scan 190 - 840 nm, 5 Hz, step 3 nm
Accuracy of adjustment ± 1 nm
Typical spectral half-width 10 nm
Reproducibility ± 0.5 nm
Light source Deuterium discharge lamp, halogen lamp
Noise (Test cell, 254nm, TC 2s, 10 Hz) ± 5 x 10-5 AU
Drift (Test cell, 254nm) 1 x 10-3 AU/hr
Output for integrator 1 V/AU (in digital form only)
Time constant (T90) 0.5 s; 0.75 s; 1 s or 2 s (T63 0.3s;0.4s;0.6s;1s)
Communication RS232
Power supply 90–264 V
Power input 90 VA
Materials in contact with mobile phase PTFE; fused silica, stainless steel
Dimensions W x H x D 220 x 170 x 450 mm
Weight 7.9 kg