TOY18DAD EX is an OEM built-in UV diode array (DAD/PDA) detector suited for preparative and flash chromatography available in three wavelengthe ranges 200 – 400, 200 - 600, 200 - 800 nm. TOY18DAD EX detector is suited for external cell connection using SMA 905 optical cables. Thanks to a unique optical solution light loses are minimalized.
TOY18DAD EX is offered in the following models:
- Two Channel version measures at two wavelengths simultaneously with possibility to see current scan.
- Four Channel version measures at four wavelengths simultaneously with possibility to see current scan.
- Scanning version measures at four wavelengths simultaneously or sends scan of spectra with high resolution and speed up to 5 Hz.
More wavelengths or scan are used in liquid chromatography to verify purity of analyzed samples or in situations when some peaks absorb on different wavelengths.
Most important features of TOY18DAD EX detectors:
- small dimensions
- built-in lamp working hours counter
- measuring at more wavelengths simultaneously
- sophisticated diagnostic software
© 2019 ECOM spol. s r.o., Trebonicka 239, Chrastany u Prahy, CZ 252 19, Czech Republic
Made by Elasticr